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Ipieca Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry


Governance and Business Ethics

Governance and management systems

GOV-1: Governance approach

Commitment to Governance, pages 259-287

GOV-2: Management systems

Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, pages 287-292

Business ethics and transparency

GOV-3: Preventing corruption

Risks Linked to Creating Value, page 93 Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, page 290 & 293

GOV-4: Transparency of payments to host governments

Letter from the Chairman, page 42

Letter from the Executive Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer, page 56

Climate Change and Energy

Climate strategy and risk

CCE-1: Climate governance and strategy

Sustainability Statement, pages 155-159 Safeguard the Environment, page 161

CCE-2: Climate risk and opportunities

Safeguard the Environment, pages 161-165


CCE-3: Lower-carbon technology

PETRONAS Energy Transition Strategy, pages 104-105

Project Delivery and Technology, page 139 Gentari, pages 145-148


CCE-4: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Safeguard the Environment, pages 167-168 & 171-173

CCE-5: Methane emissions

Safeguard the Environment, pages 168-170

Energy use

CCE-6: Energy use

Positive Social Impact, page 227

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 252


CCE-7: Flared gas

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 249



ENV-1: Freshwater

Other Businesses, page 154 Safeguard the Environment, page 181

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 252

ENV-2: Discharges to water

Safeguard the Environment, page 181

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 252


ENV-3: biodiversity policy and strategy

Safeguard the Environment, pages 184-186

ENV-4: Protected and priority areas for biodiversity conservation

Safeguard the Environment, pages 186-187


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PETRONAS Integrated Report 2022

Environment (cont’d.)

Air emissions

ENV-5: Emissions to air

Safeguard the Environment, page 181, Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 249 & 252


ENV-6: Spills to the environment

Safeguard the Environment, page 181

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 252

Materials management

ENV-7: Materials management

Other Businesses, page 154 Safeguard the Environment, page 181 Positive Social Impact, page 215

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 252

ENV-8: Decommissioning

Safeguard the Environment, pages 181-182


ENV-1: Freshwater

Safeguard the Environment, pages 181-182

Safety, health and security

Workforce protection

SHS-1: Safety, health and security engagement

Positive Social Impact, pages 202-203 & 233

SHS-2: Workforce health

Risks Linked to Creating Value, page 95

Positive Social Impact, pages 192-195 & 198-199

SHS-3: Occupational injury and illness incidents

Positive Social Impact, page 197

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 253

Product health, safety and environmental risk

SHS-5: Product stewardship

Positive Social Impact, pages 213-215

Process safety

SHS-6: Process safety

Positive Social Impact, page 197


SHS-7: Security risk management

Positive Social Impact, pages 200-203


Human rights management

SOC-1: Human rights due diligence

Material Topics, page 84

Positive Social Impact, page 190 & 205-209 Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 258

SOC-2: Suppliers and human rights

Letter from the Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, page 61

Positive Social Impact, page 204 & 206-208

SOC-3: Security and human rights

Positive Social Impact, pages 203-204 & 206- 209


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Social (cont’d.)

Labour practices

SOC-4: Site-based labour practices and worker accommodation

Positive Social Impact, pages 205-209

SOC-5: Workforce diversity and inclusion

Positive Social Impact, pages 216-217

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 256

SOC-6: Workforce engagement

Engaging with Stakeholders, page 73 Positive Social Impact, pages 218 & 229

SOC-7: Workforce training and development

Positive Social Impact, pages 222-247

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 257-258

SOC-8: Workforce non-retaliation and grievance mechanisms

Sustainability Highlights, page 14 Other Businesses, page 152

Positive Social Impact, page 190 , 204-205 & 209

Community engagement

SOC-9: Local community impacts and engagement

Engaging with Stakeholders, pages 70-72 & 75-76

Positive Social Impact, page 233, 242 & 246

SOC-10: Indigenous peoples

Upstream, page 109

Positive Social Impact, pages 204-205, 239 & 244

SOC-11: Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement

Positive Social Impact, pages 204-205

SOC-12: Community grievance mechanisms

Positive Social Impact, page 209

SOC-13: Social investment

Other Businesses, page 152 Positive Social Impact, page 234

Local content

SOC-14: Local procurement and supplier development

Engaging with Stakeholders, page 75 Other Businesses, page 152

Positive Social Impact, pages 210-215

SOC-15: Local hiring practices

Positive Social Impact, pages 216-217

Five-Year Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 254-256